

VAS DairyComp
VAS DairyComp is the dairy industry’s most advanced on-farm dairy management software program. VAS DairyComp is faster, easier and more sophisticated than any other program. With VAS DairyComp, you have the tools necessary to keep track of all cow information, i.e., reproduction, production and health. Meet the present and future record keeping challenges and stay competitive in the dairy industry with VAS DairyComp.

Rumilife CAL24
Get your cows off to the right start after calving with the uniquely formulated RumiLife CAL24 nutritional supplement. Two forms of calcium, plus magnesium and vitamin D, means that these boluses promote proper calcium levels in cows for the critical first 24 hours after calving.

Calf’s Choice Total® 100 (CCT) is Natural Bovine Colostrum sourced in Scotland, and it’s EBL-free, TB-free, GMP+ FSA Assured. It’s also high in the colostral fat needed by newborn calves, and it’s safe, effective, and convenient. CCT offers the added bonus of mixing easily in under 15 seconds, and has a 3-year shelf life.
BAXTER Udder Care
First-in-class lineup of pre and post teat dips to ensure clean,
moisturized, healthy teats and udders from one milking to the next.